Monday, June 18, 2012

Concert in the Park

After moving to Colorado I took a break from unpacking and had a fun evening out with my family. We sat on a huge hill covered in soft grass which overlooked a stage with a fun, 40s style band playing swing music. With a sigh of relief and oncoming relaxation I opened my picnic bag and pulled out the goodies I prepared for this special event.

A few hours earlier I created the following: summer salad, cheese wheels, strawberry cheese and crackers plus date cakes and chocolate puffs.

Summer Salad
the rest of the box of campanelle pasta
bag of frozen brussel sprouts (or fresh)
two strips of bacon
1/2 red onion
canellini beans
one fresh tomato
red pepper flakes
smoked paprika

Cook the rest of your campanelle pasta, while the water is boiling cook your bacon in a cast iron skillet.  Once the water is boiling add your pasta. Once the bacon is mostly crisp, remove and lay on a few paper towels to de-grease. Pour your brussel sprouts into the bacon grease to saute, add in half the onion, some salt and pepper.

Once the pasta is al dente, pour in a colander and put in a large bowl to cool. Crumble the strips of bacon into the bowl of pasta, dice up the tomato and add into the bowl as well. Once the brussel sprouts are done, let cool on a cutting board. Dice up the rest of the onion and add to salad. Slice up brussel sprouts into thin slices and add in spices. Mix this salad up and let the flavors merry while cooling in the fridge. After an hour or so of cooling the summer salad should be ready to dive in to.

Cheese Wheels
1/2 puff pastry
white cheddar
blue cheese (or any cheeses you have)
cherry tomatoes

You can really use anything for these cheese wheels, any kinds of cheese, veggies or meat. I happened to have a white cheddar blue marbled cheese, leftover cherry tomatoes and capers. So I rolled out my puff pastry and layered my cheese, tomatoes and capers, then I rolled up the puff pastry like a jelly roll. I used an extra sharp knife to slice half inch pieces and then set them on a greased pan. I baked them for about 15 minutes (as soon as the puff pastry is golden).

Strawberry Cheese and Crackers
5 sliced strawberries
marbled white cheddar blue cheese (or any cheese)
wheat thins (any crackers)

This is very simple, but since I was using a mixed blue cheese, strawberries added a depth of sweetness to the harsh tones of blue cheese, not to mention this made the simple snack that much more summer.

Almond- Date Cakes with a Honey-Chocolate Drizzle
12 dates
1 cups of almonds
1 cup of chocolate covered almonds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs separated
2 tsp lemon zest
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt

1/2 cup honey
melted chopped chocolate covered almonds

This was such a hit at the concert...anyone will love it! Put the almonds, chocolate covered almonds, cinnamon and 1/4 cup of the sugar into the food processor, process til ground but not a powder. Whisk egg yolks, lemon zest and vanilla together in a separate bowl. Beat egg whites until foamy, add in remaining sugar (tablespoon at a time), you want soft peaks to form. Fold in yolk mixture, add dates then fold in the almond mixture. Pour into a cupcake pan, I use silicone cupcake holders that way I can continue reusing them. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

For the drizzle, pour honey into a bowl add the chopped chocolate covered almonds and melt in the microwave (about 30-45 seconds- don't overcook). Drizzle this over the cupcakes and top with a few sunflower seeds. Then enjoy!

Chocolate Puffs
1/2 puff pastry
chocolate candies

This dessert is super easy and definitely a kid pleaser! Take a snack size chocolate candy and take a small square of puff pastry, drizzle a bit of honey and wrap all the sides around the chocolate. I used a kit kat type candy but snickers are good to use or anything really. Bake at 350 degrees until the puff pastry is golden, about 15 minutes.

Create all these awesome snacks and you are sure to have smiling faces, enjoying some live music outside on a summer night.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rustic Campanelle

I have been on a hiatus as my husband and I made our move west to Colorado. We are very excited to be immersed into such a nature-rich atmosphere. We can't wait to explore and I can't wait to incorporate all of my organic, mountain-living knowledge into my cooking!

The first meal I made in our new home was rustic campanelle pasta with some leftovers that I had from our family's house.

Rustic Campanelle Pasta

1/2 box of campanelle pasta (looks like a cork screw with crinkled edges)
1 package of frozen peas
2 portabella mushrooms
1/2 red onion
chicken stock
marinara sauce
red pepper flakes
parmesan cheese
olive oil
loaf of homemade bread (or rustic bread)

Now I already had made the peas and mushrooms into a veggie saute for a family meal the night before so I used that to add a bit more texture, nutrients and flavor to my pasta dish. So if you have any veggies side dishes that you don't know what to do with, use them in a pasta dish! Or you can add in the peas and mushrooms from a fresh start.

Firstly heat your chicken stock up to a boil. While the chicken stock is heating up heat up your saute pan with olive oil and crisp up the onions. When the onions turn translucent, add in the mushrooms and peas. When the stock comes to a boil add a drop of olive oil and your pasta. Then let both items cook, your pasta should come to al dente in about 10 minutes (don't overcook or it gets mushy).

Then once the pasta is done, drain in a colander (you can always save the liquid for the next pasta dish!) Pour the pasta into a large serving bowl, add pea concoction, add in red pepper flakes, marinara sauce, salt, pepper and parmesan. Give the pasta a good toss and this rustic, half-leftovers meal is ready for chowing down. My husband loved it and I am sure your family and friends will too! Oh don't forget to break off a big piece of bread and dip that into your sauce....yum!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo