Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Italiano Rustica

I love looking at separate ingredients and watching them marry into one fabulous, delicious meal. Italian food is a house favorite and one of the meals I truly love to make, tweaking it every time I make it.

Grilled Flank Steak
2 pounds of flank steak
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 clove of crushed garlic

I chose flank steak because it is inexpensive, versatile and scrumptious! I marinated the steak in olive oil, salt, pepper and crushed garlic for 20 minutes, while I got my sides ready.

Cilantro Pesto Linguine
1/2 box linguine (or whole, depending on your guests)
1/2 cup cilantro
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup parsley
1/4 cup parmesan

I use either chicken stock or salted water to cook my pasta in (whichever I have). Add the pasta when the liquid is boiling with a bit of olive oil, so the pasta won't stick. While the pasta cooks, roughly chop your cilantro and parsley. Add all pesto ingredients together in a deep bowl and use an emulsion blender (or regular blender/food processor) to combine. Once pasta is done, lightly toss in the pesto and keep warm.

Roasted Carrots & Parsnips

bundle of carrots
bundle of parsnips
olive oil

Rinse your veggies and slice lengthwise, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

By this time you should be able to put your steaks on the grill, cook 4-5 minutes per side. Let rest for 7 minutes before slicing.

When plating, add pasta on the plate, slice steak and add to plate and finally the veggies. This meal is loaded with healthy carbs, protein and several other nutrients, plus it was at a low cost!

Try this next family get together, everyone will be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy! xoxo Lo