Sunday, November 4, 2012

Autumn Brunch

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year, I love cozying up next to the fire with some hot soup or warm cup of tea. I love cuddling with my husband, while the snow falls outside. But most of all I love the seasonal array of colorful squashes, figs, apple cider, apple butter, freshly baked breads and so much more.

Every fall season I load up on acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, pumpkins and sweet potatoes for all my savory delights. This cloudy Sunday morning, I left for church early, while my husband slumbered away in our cozy bed. When I came home, I knew I wanted to create a fabulous Autumn-style brunch.

Pear-Sweet Potato Hash

1 golden bosque pear
1 sweet potato
3 bacon slices
1/4 diced onion
olive oil

First dice up your sweet potato and put in water to boil. While water is heating up, add olive oil in a cast iron skillet, add your diced onion and diced bits of bacon. Let onions cook til translucent. Dice up your pear and add to the skillet, by then your sweet potatoes should be partly cooked, drain the water and add them to the skillet. Cook until the potatoes and pears are carmelized. You could also use root vegetables, regular potatoes or any squash.

In the meantime work on your crocque monsieur:

Pastrami Croque Monsieur

4 slices of bread (any bread you have)
4 slices of pastrami (or any meat you have)
slices of muenster cheese (or any cheese you have)
Dijon mustard
Bechamel sauce (recipe follows)

Make your pastrami sandwiches, spread your dijon mustard on bread and layer with slices of cheese and meat. Place in the oven at 400 degrees until the bread becomes golden and toasty. Meanwhile work on your Bechamel sauce.

Bechamel Sauce

1 stick of butter
5 Tbsp flour
2 cups milk
1tsp thyme (or any spice you prefer, bay leaves work great too)

Melt butter and whisk in the flour. Heat your milk (do not scald) and add in slowly. Sauce should start to thicken, add in thyme, salt and pepper. Let bubble for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, then remove from heat. Your sandwiches should be toasted by now, remove from oven, spoon Bechamel sauce over top of your sandwiches, place a few more slices of cheese and put under broiler for a few minutes (until golden and bubbly).

Soft-Boiled Eggs

4 eggs

This way to cook eggs is quite simple. Heat your water in a small saucepan over high heat until a rolling boil. Add in eggs and cook for 4 minutes. Remove the eggs from the water and place in egg cups (or shot glasses). Let cool for a few minutes, then crack the tops off with a butter knife. Lightly tap the knife against the egg shell and peel top off.

Fruit Salad
1 cup blackberries
1 cup sliced bananas
1 cup sliced kiwis
1 tsp lime zest
1 Tbsp lime juice

Slice up your fruit, add fruit to bowl, zest your lime and squeeze half the lime onto the fruit. Mix around and it is ready to serve.

Your guests will absolutely be blown away by this magnificent brunch- the flavors are exquisite, the meal is filling but not overly indulgent. This would be perfect for the upcoming holidays or to make any Sunday morning just a bit brighter.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo