Saturday, April 5, 2014

All Wrapped Up- Part One: Making Frozen Meals for Family

Now that I am 36 weeks pregnant I am making all those last minute preparations for our sweet girl's arrival. Of course, one of my biggest concerns is food...what will we eat? Thankfully, my best friend has rounded up some helpful family and friends who have offered to cook us meals during those first few weeks home with our Halen. But I know they can't provide every meal for us, so I've decided to do a frozen food series for new moms, families on the go or even for family reunions.

My first recipe for my frozen food series is breakfast burritos. My husband and I are huge fans of breakfast...especially me. So I wanted to make sure we'd have something yummy and satisfying when we're up in the wee hours.

Breakfast Burritos

24 tortillas
10 eggs
1 package of sausage
1 can black beans
2 large red potatoes
1 cup (+) colby jack cheese

When I originally found this recipe it wanted everything to be pre-made, frozen hash browns, etc. Well even though I am trying to save time by making food ahead doesn't mean I want health aspects to suffer. So I bought everything as naturally as I could and cooked it all myself. You can get any tortillas you like, I really like the ones that are half flour, half corn. Eggs, I always purchase free-range, brown eggs. For the sausage, I purchased hatch green chile sausage for a bit of a kick. I love my black beans and think they add not only extra protein to my burritos but they're so yummy. Red potatoes are healthier than your regular potatoes, colby jack cheese melts really well. And any salsa you prefer.

First thing you want to do is dice up your potatoes rather small and cook them in a large bottom
skillet with some olive oil. Once they start to brown, add in your diced sausage (you can also use ground sausage). Once those two are fully cooked and on the crispy side, scramble your eggs and pour them in the skillet. Turn your heat down and gently fold in your egg mixture. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, continue to fold. Once the eggs start to hold together and don't look runny you're about done. Add the egg mixture into a bowl and set up your wrapping station.

 You'll need plastic wrap, two large freezer Ziploc bags, your grated cheese and black beans ready to go. I would tear a few pieces of plastic wrap at a time so I didn't have to stop my process each time I needed more plastic wrap. Lay your tortilla down on the plastic wrap, fill with egg mixture, top with grated cheese, and a spoonful of black beans. Use the plastic wrap to wrap up the breakfast burrito nice and tight and set to the side.
Continue process until you've used all your eggs and tortillas. Then date and label your freezer bags, add the wrapped breakfast burritos inside, let out all the air, zip shut, and add into your freezer.

When you're ready to eat your frozen breakfast
burritos, simply take the number you want out of the bag, heat up add salsa on top and dig in! These are perfect for any mom-to-be preparing for her little one to come home, for a mom on the go preparing food for her family or even preparation for a family reunion coming up (since summer is around the corner!).

Enjoy! xoxo Lo