Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good ole steak & potatoes

This year I decided to give something up every month...since food is one of the things I love the most, I chose certain food items. In January, I gave up carbs...bread, pasta, rice, etc... now that January is over I have to admit that I wasn't completely turning my head to those scrumptious, fluffy, hit-the-spot pieces of bread, but most of the time I stayed focused.

This month I am giving up I will only eat fish. Rightly so, in the last days of January I picked up some New York strip steaks to cook. Every now and then a homemade dish of classic steak and potataoes is all one needs to get through the day.

Smashed Fingerling Potatoes
1/2 package of fingerling potatoes
3 green onions
1/3 cup milk
2 Tbsp butter

First you want to, dice up your potatoes then boil them until a fork can slide through them. Then you drain the water out, add in the butter, salt, pepper, milk and green onion...before you start to smash them let them sit for a few minutes. This gives the butter time to melt. Then smash away, your potatoes should be left between chunky and creamy. We love to keep the skins on our potatoes (they are packed with nutrients!) and we like some chunks. If you prefer smooth mashed potatoes use a hand mixer to blend them together. Cover and keep warm until ready to serve.

Sauteed Kale
1 bunch of fresh kale
olive oil

You always need greens on your plate, right?! Kale is a great alternative to spinach or broccoli, they are super healthy and delicious. Wash your kale, cut off the stems and roughly chop them up. Heat up your skillet with olive oil, drop in the kale and cook for 10-15 minutes. Cover for the first five minutes to help circulate the heat and soften the kale. I don't want my kale to get mushy so I remove the cover to let them saute and get slightly crispy before serving. (You could always add mushrooms, onions, or other spices to jazz up this green!)

Classic New York Strip
2 steaks (or however many you need)
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

This is the classic way of cooking up a steak. Steaks have a lot of flavor and you don't want to overcrowd that natural flavor with too many spices. I let my steaks rest in olive oil for about 10 minutes at room temperature, I get my pan nice and hot, sprinkle on the salt and pepper then place the steaks down on the grill pan.

My amazing, culinary friend, Amanda, taught me how to tell if your steak is done as you'd like. If you feel the palm of your hand regularly that is rare, if you move your thumb to your forefinger that is medium-rare, the middle finger is medium, ring finger that is medium-well and the pinky is well-done. So if you press on your steak as it cooks you should be able to gauge when it is done to your liking. We prefer our steaks to be medium to medium-rare which is about 4-5 minutes per side.

Once everything is done, plate up and eat up! Enjoy! xoxo Lo

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