Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Food for the Chilly Soul

During the winter season, I love to bake bread...as soon as they come out of the oven all steaming with deliciousness my soul is warmed. This sweet potato bread packs in nutrients and tons of flavors.

Sweet Potato Bread with Candied Orange Peel

2 1/3 cups sugar
2/3 cup water
2/3 cup oil (try grapeseed oil!)
4 eggs
1 sweet potato (shredded, skin on)
3 1/3 cups flour
2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup nuts (pecans or walnuts)
2 Tbsp orange zest
1/2 cup orange peel

Pre heat oven to 350, meanwhile wash and shred your sweet potato. I leave the skin on because skins are packed with nutrients and you can't even tell they are in the bread. Put the shredded potato in a bowl and add in sugar, water, oil and eggs- mix together. Add dry ingredients and lastly add in nuts and orange zest. Save some nuts for the topping. Divide mixture between two, well greased/floured loaf pans and bake for an hour.

While the bread is baking make your candied orange peels.

Candied Orange Peel

1 full peel of one orange
2 1/4 cups water
1/4 cup sugar

Bowl 1/2 cup of water in a sauce pan. While the water is heating up slice your orange peel into thin strips. Once the water is in a rolling boil, add your peels. Keep in water for one minute, then drain (keep water if you want for marmalade!), repeat process four times (this process helps release all the bitterness out of the peels). Once you've finished the fourth boil, add 1/2 cup of water to the same sauce pan, bring to a boil. This time add the sugar and add the peels. Let simmer for 15 minutes, this helps the peels soak up the sugary goodness.

After time is up, remove the peels and let dry on parchment paper until the bread is ready to be served.

Once the bread is baked (always check with a knife or toothpick), let cool for 10 minutes. Use the orangey, sugar syrup and brush it across the tops of each loaf. Top with extra nuts and finally with the candied orange peels.

This bread makes an exceptional gift and is simply scrumptious! Warm up your family's or neighbor's soul this winter season and bake up a batch of this bread!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

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