Sunday, October 16, 2011

Southern Breakfast with a Flair

Every weekend I wake up slowly without an alarm and dream about what breakfast might be. This particluar morning I decided to go with my Southern roots, an egg sandwich with cheesy grits and homemade bread.

Firstly, I started off by cooking my grits, I added water to a sauce pan and once it came to boil I added grits, salt and waited for them to absorb. While that was cooking I took two links of chicken, feta and spinach sausage out of the casing and made a patty then I put that onto a bit of olive oil to cook. In the meantime the grits had absorbed the water, one of the best things about grits is it is so versatile. You can pretty much add anything to them and the flavors will blend in. I decided to make cheesy grits and grated up some colby jack cheese and stirred that into my grits.

Next I flipped my sausage patties and added two thick slices of homemade white bread to the pan to get a nice crispiness to it. Once the cheese melted into the grits I added some salt and pepper to taste and put them on low heat to keep warm. Once the patties were done and bread was crisp, I removed them from the flame and cracked a few eggs into the pan. After my eggs were ready to go I plated my bread, sausage patty then egg on top with my cheesy grits on the side. Poured a mimosa & ta da!

Enjoy xo! Lo

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