Sunday, November 4, 2012

Autumn Brunch

Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year, I love cozying up next to the fire with some hot soup or warm cup of tea. I love cuddling with my husband, while the snow falls outside. But most of all I love the seasonal array of colorful squashes, figs, apple cider, apple butter, freshly baked breads and so much more.

Every fall season I load up on acorn squash, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, pumpkins and sweet potatoes for all my savory delights. This cloudy Sunday morning, I left for church early, while my husband slumbered away in our cozy bed. When I came home, I knew I wanted to create a fabulous Autumn-style brunch.

Pear-Sweet Potato Hash

1 golden bosque pear
1 sweet potato
3 bacon slices
1/4 diced onion
olive oil

First dice up your sweet potato and put in water to boil. While water is heating up, add olive oil in a cast iron skillet, add your diced onion and diced bits of bacon. Let onions cook til translucent. Dice up your pear and add to the skillet, by then your sweet potatoes should be partly cooked, drain the water and add them to the skillet. Cook until the potatoes and pears are carmelized. You could also use root vegetables, regular potatoes or any squash.

In the meantime work on your crocque monsieur:

Pastrami Croque Monsieur

4 slices of bread (any bread you have)
4 slices of pastrami (or any meat you have)
slices of muenster cheese (or any cheese you have)
Dijon mustard
Bechamel sauce (recipe follows)

Make your pastrami sandwiches, spread your dijon mustard on bread and layer with slices of cheese and meat. Place in the oven at 400 degrees until the bread becomes golden and toasty. Meanwhile work on your Bechamel sauce.

Bechamel Sauce

1 stick of butter
5 Tbsp flour
2 cups milk
1tsp thyme (or any spice you prefer, bay leaves work great too)

Melt butter and whisk in the flour. Heat your milk (do not scald) and add in slowly. Sauce should start to thicken, add in thyme, salt and pepper. Let bubble for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, then remove from heat. Your sandwiches should be toasted by now, remove from oven, spoon Bechamel sauce over top of your sandwiches, place a few more slices of cheese and put under broiler for a few minutes (until golden and bubbly).

Soft-Boiled Eggs

4 eggs

This way to cook eggs is quite simple. Heat your water in a small saucepan over high heat until a rolling boil. Add in eggs and cook for 4 minutes. Remove the eggs from the water and place in egg cups (or shot glasses). Let cool for a few minutes, then crack the tops off with a butter knife. Lightly tap the knife against the egg shell and peel top off.

Fruit Salad
1 cup blackberries
1 cup sliced bananas
1 cup sliced kiwis
1 tsp lime zest
1 Tbsp lime juice

Slice up your fruit, add fruit to bowl, zest your lime and squeeze half the lime onto the fruit. Mix around and it is ready to serve.

Your guests will absolutely be blown away by this magnificent brunch- the flavors are exquisite, the meal is filling but not overly indulgent. This would be perfect for the upcoming holidays or to make any Sunday morning just a bit brighter.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mountain Getaway

Now that my husband and I live in Colorado, trips to the mountains every so often are essential. This time my husband was bogged down with work so I decided to go all on my own. BUT that didn't mean I had to throw all my meals by the wayside. If this was truly my personal getaway for some solace, I deserved some well-thought out, delicious, soul-warming meals.

October is a beautiful time to visit the mountains, the Aspens are gorgeous hues of yellow, gold and maroon but it is quite cold so you definitely want meals that make you feel comforted.

I decided to make my breakfast for the week before I left:

Uber-Healthy Banana Bread
2/3 cup butter (softened)
1 cup sugar
1 egg
3 bananas
1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds
3 Tbsp chia seeds
1 cup oats
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream butter and sugar together, add the egg into your mixer. Toast sesame seeds for depth of flavor. I always freeze my bananas once they start to brown, I throw them in the microwave for a minute or so to thaw and then they are perfect for banana bread. Add them to your mixer, once combined start with dry ingredients. Add in flour a 1/4 cup at a time, then baking soda and salt. Next add your oats and seeds. Once the batter is combined pour into a loaf pan. I use silicone loaf pans and they are fantastic, no sticking! Bake for one hour and let cool for 10 minutes before taking out of pan.

I love banana bread, my mom's recipe is delicious but sometimes I like to change it up. For this recipe I added some super healthy ingredients to help keep my energy up while I was out and about in the mountains. If you have little ones, it's super easy to hide healthy ingredients when baking. Eat while warm and you will be in heaven!

French Onion Soup
2 large onions (sliced thin)
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
1 carton of beef stock
1/2 cup red wine
Gruyere cheese
loaf of crusty bread

Heat your butter and oil in a medium sized sauce pan. Add your sliced onions and fold into the butter mixture so each onion slice is coated. Let the onions carmelize and cook down for 10-15 minutes or so. While enjoying your getaway with a glass of wine, pour about 1/2 cup into the onions. Let alcohol cook off and dry the onions, about 5 minutes. If you have flour on hand (I
 didn't) sprinkle a little to coat the onions, this

helps the soup become thick. Next add in the beef stock and let reduce down for another 15 minutes. While soup is cooking down, slice a few slices of bread and sprinkle Gruyere cheese on top, put them in the broiler to get all bubbly. Once soup is ready, ladel into bowls, place a slice of bread topped with the bubbly Gruyere cheese and dive in. This soup warmed up my frigid soul right away while sitting by the fire, gazing out the window at gorgeous snow-capped mountains.

Chocolate-Raspberry Tiramisu
6 oz container of marscapone cheese
2/3 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup sugar
2 1/2 cups espresso (warm)
2 packages of Lady Finger cookies
chocolate shavings (garnish)
2 packages of raspberries

Chocolate Zabagilone
2 Tbsp heavy cream
1/4 cup dark chocolate chips
4 large egg yolks
1/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup prune juice (or Marsala)
pinch of salt

Scoop your marscapone cheese out of the container into a large bowl, set aside so it can reach room temperature. Meanwhile, beat the heavy cream and 1/4 cup sugar in a standing mixer until soft peaks start to form. Fold this whipped cream into the marscapone cheese, set aside while you make your chocolate zabagilone (mousse mixture).

Add two tablespoons of cream and chocolate bits to a small saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring often until smooth and melted. Set aside and keep warm.  Whisk the egg yolks together, add the prune juice, sugar and salt until well blended in a glass bowl. Set bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, do not allow the bottom of the bowl to touch the water. Whisk the egg mixture over the simmering water until thick and creamy, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat, fold egg mixture into chocolate mixture. Cove and chill in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

Once chocolate mousse is chilled, fold into the marscapone mixture. Then chill this mousse completely, about another 30 minutes. Meanwhile brew your espresso and pour into a bowl, whisk remaining 1/4 cup of sugar until dissolved. Find your glass trifle container and dip your lady finger cookies into the sugary espresso mixture, place on the bottom of the trifle. Be quick when dipping the cookies because they are fragile and will fall apart fast. Once mousse is cooled, you will spoon the mixture over the first layer of cookies, top with a layer of raspberries and chocolate shavings then repeat until you've reached the top of the trifle. End with a layer of raspberries and chocolate shavings. Let cool for about six hours before serving so the layers can marry together.

You can also put this in a loaf pan if you don't have a trifle, then when you serve you'll place the solidified tiramisu on a serving platter (what I did in the picture above). My company loved this dessert so much I am thrilled to share it with my family for Christmas!

When you spend a getaway on your own, it is a perfect time to make your favorite recipes or try out new ones you can potentially share with company. As much as I love writing, it's time for me to spend some time outdoors in the gorgeous mountain air!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Italiano Rustica

I love looking at separate ingredients and watching them marry into one fabulous, delicious meal. Italian food is a house favorite and one of the meals I truly love to make, tweaking it every time I make it.

Grilled Flank Steak
2 pounds of flank steak
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 clove of crushed garlic

I chose flank steak because it is inexpensive, versatile and scrumptious! I marinated the steak in olive oil, salt, pepper and crushed garlic for 20 minutes, while I got my sides ready.

Cilantro Pesto Linguine
1/2 box linguine (or whole, depending on your guests)
1/2 cup cilantro
1/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup parsley
1/4 cup parmesan

I use either chicken stock or salted water to cook my pasta in (whichever I have). Add the pasta when the liquid is boiling with a bit of olive oil, so the pasta won't stick. While the pasta cooks, roughly chop your cilantro and parsley. Add all pesto ingredients together in a deep bowl and use an emulsion blender (or regular blender/food processor) to combine. Once pasta is done, lightly toss in the pesto and keep warm.

Roasted Carrots & Parsnips

bundle of carrots
bundle of parsnips
olive oil

Rinse your veggies and slice lengthwise, toss in olive oil, salt and pepper and roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

By this time you should be able to put your steaks on the grill, cook 4-5 minutes per side. Let rest for 7 minutes before slicing.

When plating, add pasta on the plate, slice steak and add to plate and finally the veggies. This meal is loaded with healthy carbs, protein and several other nutrients, plus it was at a low cost!

Try this next family get together, everyone will be pleasantly surprised. Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tropical Bridal Shower

I love hosting parties and making my guests smile. When one of my best friends announced that she was going to get married on St. Thomas, I knew I had to throw her a bridal shower to celebrate. Parties can be as complicated or as simple as you want to make them. I prefer making 90 percent of my foods from scratch and ordering a cake from my trusty baker.

Sticking to a theme is an excellent way to keep organized and cohesive throughout your planning, prep and execution. Since Nikki was getting married on St. Thomas, I created a tropical theme for the entire party.

Fried Plaintains and Guacamole
5-7 plaintains
peanut oil
sea salt
3 avocados
1/2 onion
1 jalapeno
1 clove garlic
1 roma tomato
blue chips

Plaintains can be a little difficult but if done correctly can be delicious! Plaintains can be done a few different ways, you can make little thin discs, long thin slices or giant chunks. If you want crispy plaintains choose one of the first two. For this bridal shower, I chose the small discs. Heat up your peanut oil til bubbling, slice up your plaintains and slowly dip into the oil using your wire utensil. Cook for just a few minutes until golden brown and let rest on paper towels. When all the plaintains are fried, let rest while making the guacamole.

Guacamole should be simple, mash up your avocados, dice up your onion, tomatoes and garlic. Mix everything together, add in a minced jalapeno and diced cilantro. Mix altogether, add salt, pepper and a squeeze of lime to taste. I also served blue corn chips in case the plaintains went fast.

Coconut Meatballs with an Agave Glaze
1 lb of ground beef
coconut flakes
plain bread crumbs
1 egg
agave nectar

Add egg, bread crumbs, salt, pepper and a bit of the coconut flakes to the ground beef. Mix together very well then form into one inch balls. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Drizzle agave nectar on top and toss in remaining coconut flakes.

Tropical Baked Brie
one medium wheel of brie
1/2 cup macadamia nuts
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1/2 cup dried mango
2 Tbsp agave nectar
1 Tbsp brown sugar
1 sheet of puffed pastry

Roll out your puffed pastry, cut wheel of brie into two big circle slices. Mix together nuts, coconut, dried mango, agave nectar and brown sugar. Put 3/4 of the mixture in the middle between the halves of brie. Place top half of brie on top and wrap with the puffed pastry. Flip over so the smooth side is on top and add remaining nut mixure on top and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve with crackers or bread. This can be made with really any nut and dried fruit, perfect for any season.

Chicken 'n Veggie Skewers
1 pound of chicken tenders
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
olive oil
wooden skewers

Soak the wooden skewers for about 20 minutes in water, before using on the grill so they do not catch on fire. Skewer the chicken and chunks of the vegetables. Grill for about 15 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Pork Loin Sliders
1 lb pork loin
yeast rolls (frozen or homemade)
mango glaze (recipe follows)

Drizzle olive oil over your pork loin and add any spices you prefer. I added salt, pepper and smoked paprika. Then bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes (depending on size). Let your yeast rolls rise and bake for about 10 minutes.

Mango Glaze
1 small champagne mango
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp agave nectar
pinch of salt
squeeze of one lemon

Puree mango together with all the ingredients. Make sure you taste to see if you need to add more sugar or lemon.

Once the pork is done, let rest for 10 minutes and slice into 1/2 inch thick slices. Slice up the rolls as well. Spread your mango glaze on the rolls and add the pork.

Fruit Skewers
2 cups strawberries
1 large mango
5 kiwis

Fruit skewers are easiest with firmer fruits, slice in a delicate, pretty way and add to the skewers. Serve with a fresh whipped cream.

The cake was made by my favorite local baker, I requested a French vanilla cake with mango in between the slices with a buttercream frosting and large coconut flakes on the outside. I had a Hawaiian quote placed on the top to stay with the tropical theme.

As far as the decor went, I used beach towels as the table cloths and added sea shells on top. I created bridal advice cards that went on the table as well. For flowers, you want to choose the best for your theme so birds of paradise would work perfectly.

The bridal shower was a huge success! All of these recipes are quite easy and most of all they are delicious! I hope this helps give you the courage to throw a party for one of your dear friends.

Enjoy! xo Lo

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ladies Night

Now that I have moved to another state, any time I am home, I love having a ladies night. Ladies nights are not to be stressful or overthought. They should be simple, thoughtful, delicious and fun.

This particular night I decided to do a few savory and a few sweet items. I didn't want to spend all day cooking so I made sure to include at least one dish that only needed to be assembled.

Carmelized Onion-Tomato Tarts
2 sheets of puff pastry
1 package of cherry tomatoes
1 red onion
block of feta cheese
2 green onions
olive oil

First thing you need to do is caramelize your onions, slice them thin and add them into a heated skillet with a mixture of olive oil and butter. While your onions are cooking, cut out little biscuit or flower-like rounds with a cookie cutter and place them on a baking sheet. Then slice your cherry tomatoes in half, crumble your feta and slice your green onions in really small bits.

Once the onions are carmelized you are ready to start compiling your tarts. Add onions first then top with tomatoes, bake for 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Once the tarts come out add your feta, green onion, olive oil, salt and pepper. These are ready to serve!

Salami, Cheese & Cucumber
package of sliced salami
different types of cheese
1 cucumber

This was my dish to assemble, thinly slice the different types of cheese (whichever your favorites are) I chose cheddar, colby jack, jalapeno jack and swiss. Peel your cucumber half way where you have an even amount of dark lines from the skin and light green lines from the inner cucumber meat. Slice the cucumber and then place a cucumber, slice of cheese, slice of salami in long lines on your platter. Place assorted crackers on one end for guests to serve themselves.

Almond-Orange Mini Cakes
1 cup of ground almonds
1/4 cup flour
1 large orange
3 eggs
1 cup confectioners' sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup marmalade

Put your orange in a huge bowl covered in water in the microwave for 25 minutes (or heat over the stove in a saucepan for an hour). While the orange is "heating up" grind your almonds, set aside. Beat your eggs with the sugar until pale and thick. Fold in the flour, baking powder, almonds and finally the orange- when the orange is done, let cool and cut into quarters, remove seeds then add to food processor. Puree and pour into mini cupcake pan (make sure the cupcake pan is greased). Bake for 30 minutes and check by dipping a toothpick inside, let bake for a few more minutes if the toothpick comes out unclean.

While the cakes are baking, melt the marmalade, once cakes are baked let cool and brush marmalade on top to serve.

Peanut Butter Cookies with a Glazed Walnut 
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup butter
1 egg
walnuts (one for each cookie)
agave nectar/brown sugar

Cream sugars and butter together, beat in egg. Mix peanut butter and vanilla until smooth and creamy. Stir in salt, baking soda and flour until well combined. Roll dough into one inch balls and place on baking sheet. Next pour a dollop of agave nectar into a skillet with about a few tablespoons of brown sugar, heat up until melted and add in walnuts. Once walnuts are glazed place one on each cookie, then bake for 8 minutes at 350. Let cool then serve.

 Girls night should be full of laughter, memories and delicious food. If you create a spread like this your girls will definitely want to come back for more! For drinks serve a red and white wine to compliment the food.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Monday, June 18, 2012

Concert in the Park

After moving to Colorado I took a break from unpacking and had a fun evening out with my family. We sat on a huge hill covered in soft grass which overlooked a stage with a fun, 40s style band playing swing music. With a sigh of relief and oncoming relaxation I opened my picnic bag and pulled out the goodies I prepared for this special event.

A few hours earlier I created the following: summer salad, cheese wheels, strawberry cheese and crackers plus date cakes and chocolate puffs.

Summer Salad
the rest of the box of campanelle pasta
bag of frozen brussel sprouts (or fresh)
two strips of bacon
1/2 red onion
canellini beans
one fresh tomato
red pepper flakes
smoked paprika

Cook the rest of your campanelle pasta, while the water is boiling cook your bacon in a cast iron skillet.  Once the water is boiling add your pasta. Once the bacon is mostly crisp, remove and lay on a few paper towels to de-grease. Pour your brussel sprouts into the bacon grease to saute, add in half the onion, some salt and pepper.

Once the pasta is al dente, pour in a colander and put in a large bowl to cool. Crumble the strips of bacon into the bowl of pasta, dice up the tomato and add into the bowl as well. Once the brussel sprouts are done, let cool on a cutting board. Dice up the rest of the onion and add to salad. Slice up brussel sprouts into thin slices and add in spices. Mix this salad up and let the flavors merry while cooling in the fridge. After an hour or so of cooling the summer salad should be ready to dive in to.

Cheese Wheels
1/2 puff pastry
white cheddar
blue cheese (or any cheeses you have)
cherry tomatoes

You can really use anything for these cheese wheels, any kinds of cheese, veggies or meat. I happened to have a white cheddar blue marbled cheese, leftover cherry tomatoes and capers. So I rolled out my puff pastry and layered my cheese, tomatoes and capers, then I rolled up the puff pastry like a jelly roll. I used an extra sharp knife to slice half inch pieces and then set them on a greased pan. I baked them for about 15 minutes (as soon as the puff pastry is golden).

Strawberry Cheese and Crackers
5 sliced strawberries
marbled white cheddar blue cheese (or any cheese)
wheat thins (any crackers)

This is very simple, but since I was using a mixed blue cheese, strawberries added a depth of sweetness to the harsh tones of blue cheese, not to mention this made the simple snack that much more summer.

Almond- Date Cakes with a Honey-Chocolate Drizzle
12 dates
1 cups of almonds
1 cup of chocolate covered almonds
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs separated
2 tsp lemon zest
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of sea salt

1/2 cup honey
melted chopped chocolate covered almonds

This was such a hit at the concert...anyone will love it! Put the almonds, chocolate covered almonds, cinnamon and 1/4 cup of the sugar into the food processor, process til ground but not a powder. Whisk egg yolks, lemon zest and vanilla together in a separate bowl. Beat egg whites until foamy, add in remaining sugar (tablespoon at a time), you want soft peaks to form. Fold in yolk mixture, add dates then fold in the almond mixture. Pour into a cupcake pan, I use silicone cupcake holders that way I can continue reusing them. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

For the drizzle, pour honey into a bowl add the chopped chocolate covered almonds and melt in the microwave (about 30-45 seconds- don't overcook). Drizzle this over the cupcakes and top with a few sunflower seeds. Then enjoy!

Chocolate Puffs
1/2 puff pastry
chocolate candies

This dessert is super easy and definitely a kid pleaser! Take a snack size chocolate candy and take a small square of puff pastry, drizzle a bit of honey and wrap all the sides around the chocolate. I used a kit kat type candy but snickers are good to use or anything really. Bake at 350 degrees until the puff pastry is golden, about 15 minutes.

Create all these awesome snacks and you are sure to have smiling faces, enjoying some live music outside on a summer night.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rustic Campanelle

I have been on a hiatus as my husband and I made our move west to Colorado. We are very excited to be immersed into such a nature-rich atmosphere. We can't wait to explore and I can't wait to incorporate all of my organic, mountain-living knowledge into my cooking!

The first meal I made in our new home was rustic campanelle pasta with some leftovers that I had from our family's house.

Rustic Campanelle Pasta

1/2 box of campanelle pasta (looks like a cork screw with crinkled edges)
1 package of frozen peas
2 portabella mushrooms
1/2 red onion
chicken stock
marinara sauce
red pepper flakes
parmesan cheese
olive oil
loaf of homemade bread (or rustic bread)

Now I already had made the peas and mushrooms into a veggie saute for a family meal the night before so I used that to add a bit more texture, nutrients and flavor to my pasta dish. So if you have any veggies side dishes that you don't know what to do with, use them in a pasta dish! Or you can add in the peas and mushrooms from a fresh start.

Firstly heat your chicken stock up to a boil. While the chicken stock is heating up heat up your saute pan with olive oil and crisp up the onions. When the onions turn translucent, add in the mushrooms and peas. When the stock comes to a boil add a drop of olive oil and your pasta. Then let both items cook, your pasta should come to al dente in about 10 minutes (don't overcook or it gets mushy).

Then once the pasta is done, drain in a colander (you can always save the liquid for the next pasta dish!) Pour the pasta into a large serving bowl, add pea concoction, add in red pepper flakes, marinara sauce, salt, pepper and parmesan. Give the pasta a good toss and this rustic, half-leftovers meal is ready for chowing down. My husband loved it and I am sure your family and friends will too! Oh don't forget to break off a big piece of bread and dip that into your sauce....yum!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chicken Tostadas

Now that spring is in full throttle it is time for those meals that are fresh, seasonal and healthy for your summer-in-the-making-bod :)

Chicken Tostadas
4 organic chicken thighs
4 organic Ezekial wheat tortillas
1 small can of green chiles
2 cups of washed romaine lettuce
1 can black beans
1/2 cup queso fresco
1 avocado
2 green onions
1 chipotle chile in adobo sauce
1 lime
2 garlic cloves
olive oil

This meal is so refreshing, will fill you up but still leave you feeling great afterwards. It is better to purchase smaller portions of organic meat then load up on hormone-spiked, manufactured meat. Thigh meat is always flavorful and almost always less expensive. Queso fresco is a nice variation to other cheeses, keeps it light and flavorful. The green chiles and chipotle chile give tons of flavor. The Ezekial tortillas (as well as their other bread products) are incredible for you, packed with fiber and nutrients.

First you'll create your marinade by squeezing out the fresh lime juice, slicing up your garlic cloves and chopping up the chipotle chile in adobo sauce. Then add the chicken and toss, let this marinate for about 30 minutes- two hours. Once the marinading process is done, add to a pan on medium-low heat. While the chicken is cooking, rinse your romaine lettuce and roughly chop- set aside. Chop up your green onions, avocado, crumble your queso fresco and place in small bowls for assembling the tostadas.

Flip your chicken, add your green chiles to a small sauce pan and raise the heat to high, add some salt and slightly char the green chiles. Place the green chiles in a small bowl and set aside. Add the black beans to the same sauce pan, add salt and pepper and heat up. Once the chicken is done, set aside to cool on a cutting board. Add the tortillas either straight onto the burners or onto a pan, heat until crispy. Once the tortillas are crisp, chop up your chicken and start adding the toppings to the tortillas- usually beans start as the base, then chicken, cheese, chiles, avocado, onion and romaine lettuce. Squeeze fresh lime juice on top with a drizzle of olive oil and you are ready to dig into a fantastic spring meal.

Enjoy! xo Lo

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mediterranean Seafood Salad

Now that April is finally here, spring has sprung! Which means it's time to kick up our healthy diets and hide away all those heavy, holiday foods. Combining seafood, a light pasta and greens is an excellent way to rejuvenate your body with energy, protein and antioxidants.

Mediterranean Seafood Salad
1/2 pound calamari
1/2 pound shrimp
1 1/2 cups orzo pasta
5 cups herb salad (you can find this packaged together at your grocery store, if not you can pair together any of your favorite herbs: I love fresh dill, arugula, endive, radicchio and spinach)
1 bag of frozen speckled butter beans
1/2 lemon
4 cups chicken stock
2 zucchini
1 yellow squash
1/2 green pepper
3 scallions
olive oil

First you want to slice your veggies and toss them in olive oil, salt and pepper then place them on the grill for about 4 minutes per side. While the veggies are grilling, heat up your chicken stock to cook the orzo. Once the veggies are grilled, place the squid and shrimp on the grill for two minutes per side. Once they are done, place them on a cutting board to cool before you add to the salad. Heat up your butter beans in a few tablespoons of chicken stock, until tender. Add the herb salad to your large serving bowl, add in the grilled  veggies, cooked orzo, then slice up your squid into rings- add that in and lastly place your beautiful shrimp atop your lovely, earthy, scrumptious salad.

This salad would be perfect for any girls night in, in-law dinner, or just a romantic evening- pair with a bottle of Becker Chardonnay (my favorite) and you're perfecto! Ciao!

xo Lo

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Texas Pickled Veggies

One of things I've always wanted to learn was how to pickle...I love pickled veggies. During our spring break my husband and I decided to give it a go. We perused through the produce section of our local market and grabbed various veggies to pickle then we got started.

Texas Pickled Veggies
1/2 pound pickling cucumbers
1/4 pound fresh green beans
3 carrots
1 pound of okra
8 cloves of garlic
fresh dill
fresh cilantro
4 Tbsp honey
3/4 quart of white vinegar
6 Mason jars (any size)
pickling spices (coriander seeds, mustard seeds, cinnamon, ginger, bay leaves, red pepper flakes, caraway, allspice, black pepper and cloves- most grocery stores should have a mixed pickling spice you can purchase instead of purchasing all of these separately)

First thing you want to do is sterilize your glass jars. Bring water to a boil and let the jars soak in the boiling water to sterilize. Do not handle these jars with your hands after this point, use tongs.

Next, pour your white vinegar into a large sauce pot, add in the honey and pickling spices bring to a boil. Let boil for two minutes. Then remove from heat and let the liquid come to room temperature.

While the pickling liquid is cooling start to chop your veggies and herbs. With the carrots I sliced them into discs, I chopped the ends off the green beans and sliced up some of the cucumbers into discs and some into spears. I roughly chopped my herbs. Then we started to assemble our veggies into their jars.

You can assemble these any way you want, I decided to put smashed garlic in the bottom of each jar, then in one jar I put all green beans, one was all pickle spears and another was all okra; the rest of our jars we put a mix of veggies. I had six jars to fill, you can also use any veggies you want- some use cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, green tomatoes, daikon, etc. 

Once the pickling liquid is cooled to room temperature, add the herbs, stir and gently pour into each jar. Make sure to stuff the pickling spices into each jar, fill to the top and seal the jars together. I put these straight into the fridge, you can leave them in the pickling liquid for 24 hours up to a month or even longer.

Try this awesome recipe out & enjoy! xoxo Lo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

“Give me a fish and I eat for a day. Teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” -Chinese Proverb

This was my last meal as a non-meat eater. I had some flounder fillets, panko breadcrumbs and some various veggies. For an easy, quick meal I combined all these fresh, healthy ingredients together.

Flounder + Veggies
flounder fillets
1/2 cup panko breadcrumbs
1/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp olive oil
frozen carrots
frozen brussel sprouts
1/2 fresh tomato

Cook the fish last because it cooks very quickly. Heat your pan on medium-high heat, add one tablespoon of olive oil and add in your frozen veggies, after five minutes add salt and pepper. Stir occasionally and allow the veggies to get crispy. Once the veggies are close to being done, take your flounder and dip in the milk and straight into the panko breadcrumbs. Place on another skillet, on medium-high heat with the other tablespoon of olive oil. Let each side cook for about 2-3 minutes.

Once everything is cooked, slice up some fresh tomato, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper - plate the rest of your meal and enjoy. This simple, healthy meal should leave you feeling energized and happy with your dinner decision.

Enjoy! xo Lo

Friday, March 2, 2012

House Divided

For the month of February I gave up meat...I was on my last leg of this meatless 29 day marathon and was running out of ideas for vegetarian/seafood dishes. My husband on the other hand refused to take part in my no-meat-for-me party and requested to remain a carnivore.

I took a look in my pantry and found whole wheat spaghetti, eggplant, ground beef, tomatoes, onion and garlic. I decided to go Italian, for his  meal I would make classic spaghetti and meatballs, for mine I would make crispy eggplant pasta.

Spaghetti and Meatballs
1 pound of ground beef (or turkey!)
1 1/4 cups stone ground oats
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup flour
1 egg
2 Tbsp finely chopped onion
1 clove minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 box of whole wheat spaghetti (or any pasta)
4 asparagus stalks

Chunky Tomato Sauce
1 large tomato
1 can diced tomatoes
1 clove garlic
2 diced carrots
1/2 yellow onion diced
1 cup chicken stock
1/2 cup water

First start your sauce (or you can use canned), saute chopped onion, then when they start looking golden add in the carrots and tomatos. After a few minutes add in the garlic. Add chicken stock and water to the sauce. Let come to a boil then lower heat to a simmer. Stir occasionally--will take about 30 minutes-1 hour to reduce down to a proper tomato sauce.

Next mix your ground beef, oats, milk, egg, onion, garlic, salt and pepper together (using your hands is best). Make sure the mixture is evenly mixed throughout. Then start to make golf ball sized meatballs, place in a bowl or plate-- once you are finished, let the meatballs refridgerate for about 30 minutes to firm up.

While your meatballs are firming start your water to boil for the pasta.

Once the meatballs are firm, you drizzle a little olive oil in a pan, roll each meatball into the flour mixture (flour, salt, pepper) then brown each side for about 3 minutes per side. Then add to an ovensafe dish. Pour big spoonfuls of the tomato sauce over the meatballs and bake at 325 for 20 minutes. While the meatballs are baking, chop up your asparagus and add to the pan you cooked the meatballs in, saute until crisp and bright green (five minutes).

Crispy Eggplant Pasta
1/2 eggplant (depending on how much you're making)
4 Tbsp flour
(You will use the above pasta, sauce and asparagus for this dish as well.)

Slice your eggplant in thin slices and put on a plate, sprinkle with salt and let sit for one hour (switch sides at 30 minutes) the naturally bitter juices in the eggplant will ooze out. Once the hour is up rinse in a colander, dip the eggplant (while still moist) into the flour mix and then into the saute pan for about 3-5 minutes per side. You want your eggplant to be brown and crispy.

Once the eggplant is done, meatballs are baked, pasta is al dente and tomato sauce is ready you will plate your dishes accordingly. I sprinkled the sauteed asparagus on each dish for some healthy color. Layer your eggplant pasta with pasta sauce, eggplant, etc. These dishes will surely satisfy any carnivore or herbivore in your home. Never let picky eaters keep you from serving healthy, delicious meals.

Enjoy! xo Lo

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Indian Made Easy

How many of you love Indian food but when it comes to cooking it at home you have no clue where to start? I LOVE Indian food, the powerful flavors, punchy spices and health benefits keep me coming back for more. Recently I've been trying to incorporate more turkey into our diets, it is low in fat and high in protein. Plus like chicken it is very versatile.

This night in particular I had a package of turkey cutlets, I also had jasmine rice, Greek yogurt and plenty of spices. I combined them altogether for an easy, healthy, delicious Indian meal.

Easy Curry Turkey & Rice

4 turkey cutlets
1 cup Greek plain yogurt
2 cups jasmine/basmati rice
1 1/2 Tbsp curry powder
1 tsp salt + 1 tsp salt
pinch pepper
2 Tbsp butter
3 cups water

First you want to combine your Greek yogurt, salt and curry together into a thick paste. Then chop up your turkey into one inch chunks, add the turkey to the curry paste and use your hands to make sure every piece of turkey is covered. Then cover and let marinate for one hour in the refridgerator.

When the turkey is done marinating, add to an oven-safe pan and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. While the turkey is baking, boil three cups water, add salt and rice. When the rice absorbs most of the water, add in the butter.

When the turkey is done, plate a big spoonful of the rice in a bowl and smother with the turkey and curry sauce. This plate will have your mouth saying "Dhanyawaad!"(Thank you in Hindu).

Enjoy! xo Lo

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Trip to New Orleans

I had a dear friend over for dinner last night, I decided to make a twist on the classic shrimp and grits. Instead of using shrimp I stepped it up a notch and used scallops.

Cajun-Style Scallops 'n Grits
12 scallops
1/2 Tbsp cajun seasoning
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp Italian seasoning
1 cup grits
2 cups chicken stock
1 Tbsp tomato paste
3/4 cup half and half
5 Tbsp butter
1 bushel of chopped okra
2 cloves minced garlic

Start by boiling your chicken stock with two tablespoons of butter to cook your grits in. Once boiling add your grits and stir occasionally for five minutes. When the grits absorb the liquid add the tomato paste and half and half, stir sporadically on low heat.

Meanwhile, add okra to a saute pan with olive oil, salt and pepper on medium-high heat, okra should get crispy before serving.

 At the very end of cooking, mix all the spices together and roll each scallop in the spice mixture. Melt two tablespoons of butter in a pan and add the scallops. Sprinkle one clove of minced garlic to the scallops. Cook for 30 seconds to a minute on each side then remove from heat until ready to serve. Add 1/4 cup of chicken stock and two tablespoons of half and half to the scallop drippings to create a sauce. Let the sauce reduce until you serve.

Once everything is cooked add grits onto the plate, scoop some okra onto the side then place four scallops on top of the grits on each plate, pour the sauce over your scallops. Serve with white wine and enjoy!

xoxo Lo

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heart Shaped Love on a Plate

Happy Valentines Day! I know I already blogged about my heart-shaped fried eggs for my fabulous breakfast tacos. But I couldn't resist posting what I lovingly made for my hubby this morning.

Heart-Shaped Pancakes 'n Eggs
1 cup flour
2 Tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp melted butter
1/2 cup pureed pumpkin
1/3 cup chopped pecans
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp nutmeg

Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl, in a different bowl mix the wet ingredients together then fold the wet into the dry ingredients. Mix til there are little to no clumps in the batter. If the batter is too thick add more milk, if it is too wet add a bit more flour. Grease your pan and put it on medium-high heat. Put your heart-shaped cookie cutter onto the pan and pour the mixture in the cookie cutter just so the batter fills the bottom.  You don't want to fill the cookie cutter up too high or the pancake takes too long to cook. Once the pancake starts to bubble, flip over and lightly push the pancake down, releasing the cookie cutter. Continue until all of your batter is used.

Then use the same pan and cookie cutter for your eggs, re-grease the pan and crack your egg into the cookie cutter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with a lid. Once the egg is starting to whiten on top the egg is done.

Plate your yummy breakfast together and your honey or sweet kiddos will be pleasantly surprised!

Happy Valentines day everyone! xoxo Lo

Sunday, February 12, 2012

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Valentines Day is right around the corner...There are some great, easy ways to show your loved one how special they are. You can focus on a sweetheart breakfast, picnic lunch, romantic dinner or sexy little surprises throughout the day.

They always say the key to a man's heart is through his my plan was to hone in on breakfast because it is my husband's favorite meal. I wanted to start his day off by showing him how much I love him by creating a fantastic, homemade breakfast in bed.

First I started by creating a potato hash.

Fingerling Potato Hash
6 fingerling potatoes
1/4 yellow onion
2 baby portabella mushrooms
1 Tbsp butter
1 tsp salt

Heat your pan on medium heat with butter, add diced onions, potatoes and mushrooms. Continually stir and add salt. These will cook for about 30 minutes.

Homemade Tortillas
3 cups flour
1/3 cup corn oil
1 cup warm water
1 tsp salt

While your potato hash is cooking make some homemade tortillas...which are WAY better than store bought tortillas. Mix the flour and oil together with a fork til the mixture becomes nice and crumbly. Then add in the salt and warm water, spoonful at a time until the mix morphs into a dough. Knead the dough with your hands for three minutes to smooth it out. Then place in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes at room temperature. Once the 30 minutes are up, pinch off golf ball size pieces of the dough and roll out on a floured surface. Roll out the dough to a thin, 8 inch disc then place on a saute pan on medium heat and let cook for about 30 seconds then flip. The tortilla cooks fast and will develop little brown spots, to show it is done. This amount of dough should create 10-12 tortillas. After your tortillas are done heat up your black beans and start on cooking the eggs.

Sweetheart Breakfast Tacos
4 eggs
1 Tbsp butter
1 tsp salt
heart cookie cutter
1 cup black beans
1/2 cup shredded colby cheese
1/2 cup roasted salsa
potato hash
homemade tortillas

You can use the same pan that your potato hash is cooking in, push the hash to one side, grease the open side with butter, put your cookie cutter down and crack your egg into the cookie cutter. The egg will solidify inside the cookie cutter creating a heart shape. Cover your egg/hash with a lid until the egg is cooked to your liking. We prefer over-medium eggs, make sure the pan is on medium-low heat. The eggs should cook about 2-3 minutes per egg. When the eggs are done start to plate your breakfast tacos. Put your tortilla down first, then potato hash, black beans, shredded cheese, heart-eggs and salsa.

Serve this up and your honey will cover you with kisses...after they escape their food coma of course :)

Happy Valentines Day! xoxo Lo

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"When the lasagna content in my body gets low, I get mean." - Garfield

Garfield is one correct feline...who doesn't like his empty fuel gauge for lasagan to deplete. In freezing, winter days...when I need that warm, comfort, cheesy, filling food...I must agree that I feel the exact same way.

Like I had mentioned in my earlier posts, I gave up meat for February...which means I am only eating any kind of seafood and trying to concentrate on filling my diet with more vegetables, fruits and whole grains, etc. Sometimes humans put too much focus on meat...yes protein is a vital source for our bodies but people have been overdoing the amount of meat they are putting into their bodies. Red meat is especially a source of protein that should be carefully eaten, red meat is an excellent source of iron and protein but you want to be informed of where this meat is coming from. Stay away from ground meat unless you know it is organic, the best red meats are the leaner ones like filets or strips..the less fat, the better for you. I know guys that means try not to eat so many ribeyes, even though they taste delicious with all that fat rendering into your meat.

Also be wary of other sources of meat, pork, chicken, etc do your homework and find the best meat for your family. Shopping at a local farmer's market is a great way to find healthy, hormone-free meat, also shopping in the organic isle is helpful as well. Unfortunately, FDA does not require that all manufacturers for meat and several other foods tell us exactly what is going into our food. Hopefully this will change, til then the best you can do is shop organically and do your research.

Getting back to my lasagna post... last night I was cold, hungry and craving some cheesy goodness. I decided to whip up some lasagna. Since I have given up meat, I incorporated a few veggies: spinach, eggplant, onions, red peppers, green peppers and yellow peppers.

Lasagna Primavera
1/2 box of whole wheat lasagna noodles
1/2 eggplant
1 red bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1/2 large yellow onion
1 jar of tomato basil pasta sauce
2 cloves garlic
bechamel sauce (see recipe below)
1/2 cup havarti jalapeno cheese (can be mozzarella)
1/4 cup colby jack cheese (any cheese you want)
1/3 cup asiago cheese (again any parmesan or romano cheese)
1 can pumpkin
1 egg
1 cup chopped spinach

Bechamel Sauce
4 Tbsp flour
5 Tbsp butter
1 bay leaf
3 1/2 cups warm milk
1/2 tsp nutmeg

Start off your lasagna by chopping up your onions, peppers and garlic, saute them on medium heat with olive oil. Meanwhile, slice your egg plant and saute them in a separate pan until they are tender. Start boiling your water for your lasagna noodles. Then in another sauce pan, start melting your butter  with the bay leaf for the bechamel sauce...once the butter has melted completey spoon in a tablespoon at a time of the flour, whisk mixture together. Once all the flour has been added to the butter add a cup at a time of the warm milk, continue to whisk. Bring the sauce to boil then lower heat, as you continually whisk. Eventually the sauce will thicken up, add the nutmeg and set sauce aside until ready to use.

Once the water is boiling, add lasagna noodles with a drizzle of olive oil to avoid the noodles sticking together. Once the onions and peppers are tender, add the pasta sauce. In another separate bowl empty can of pumpkin and crack an egg inside, stir mixture together. Slice/grate your cheeses (I used what was in the fridge) and be ready to assemble your lasagna. Use an 9x11 pan and put pasta sauce down first, then top with lasagna noodles, pumpkin puree, bechamel sauce, eggplant, spinach, cheese and then repeat until you've filled your casserole dish to the top. Finish with tomato sauce and cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes until all the layers have merried together. Let the lasagna cool for 10 minutes before serving.

This recipe will be perfect for feeding a large group of people, for any family gathering, holiday or just a cold, wintery day. This lasagna is loaded with healthy carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron and Vitamin E.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

All to entertain you with my dear

Who doesn't love to entertain?? Ok a few of you might not...but who doesn't love to laugh, carry on meaningful conversations, and enjoy delicious food? That's what I thought. When entertaining, you shouldn't have to spend a lot of money or cook for 10 hours to indulge in some fantastic food with wonderful company.

When I invite guests over I always like to entertain with a few nibblies when they first arrive. That way when conversations are starting, wine bottles are opening and the main course may still be cooking, we can snack over some delectable treats.

One of my favorites and one of the easiest appetizers to serve is hummus with veggies, crackers or pita bread. You can either make your own hummus (I  highly recommend) or you can purchase some from the nearest grocery store.

Homemade Hummus
2 cans of garbanzo beans (drained)
2 cloves of minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup fresh chopped parsley
1/2 lemon
1/3 cup tahini (smashed sesame seeds)
1 tsp ground cumin
1/4 cup water
roasted red peppers for topping
black pepper
paprika for garnish
olive oil for topping

Combine all ingredients into a food processor, blender or in a bowl and use a emulsion blender. Stir as the ingredients smooth out and combine. If the mixture is too dry add olive oil to help smooth it out. Once all blended, add to a festive dish, top with a drizzle of olive oil, add roasted red peppers and paprika. Then cut up some cucumbers, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, pita bread, crackers...any thing you want to dip inside this lovely hummus.

Another great appetizer, that I made for the Superbowl this year was my deviled egg dip. We love deviled eggs in our house, so I thought, why not create a dip? You use exactly what you would for deviled eggs but blend it all up til smooth and serve with chips, crackers, toast points, veggies, anything you want.

Deviled Egg Dip
8 medium-boiled eggs (being cooked less than hardboiled helps keep the dip smooth and creamy)
1/2 cup mayo
1/4 cup horseradish dijon mustard
1/3 cup dill pickle relish
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper

Add all ingredients into a blender, food processor or in a bowl for the use of an emulsion blender. Blend til smooth, stirring along the way. Add to a bowl and serve with any chip, cracker or veggie like. I chose to serve my dip with the new Pop Chips (regular flavor) they were delicious. If you want to kick this dip up a bit you could add some crispy bacon!

Hopefully I've helped you see that it doesn't have to be difficult to entertain. Pop a few things in a blender and you've got some fabulous dips that your company will adore.

Happy entertaining! xo Lo

Monday, February 6, 2012

"All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast." - John Gunther

I passionately agree with Mr. John Gunther... every week I look forward to my weekend mornings so I can wake up slow in my pillowy duvet, slink out of bed and make coffee...go back to bed, waiting for my coffee. Then finally when I muster up enough willpower I meander into the kitchen to chef up some le petit dejeuner.

There are many different paths you could take while creating a breakfast meal. You could go savory, you could go sweet, you could go with eggs, pancakes, french toast, lox in bagels...there are about a million scrumptious options! I will show you a few of the diverse paths I have trodded down during the morning hours of the day.

Cherry-Blueberry Granola Bars
1 cup uncooked oats (old fashioned)
1 cup flour
1 cup granola (any kind you like- I used vanilla-almond)
1/2 cup agave nectar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup sliced almonds
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1/3 cup blueberry preserves (the good stuff)
1/4 cup cherry preserves (the good stuff)

I've always wanted to make my own granola bars versus buying them at the store...most of you think, "Yeah if I worked at home." Well you can still make your own granola bars and be busy. These don't take long and are WAY more tasty than any store bought granola bar. Start by pouring 3/4 cup of the oats, granola and flour together in a bowl, mix together and add brown sugar, almonds, agave and butter. Fold everything together so it is all evenly mixed. Pour into a 9x9 inch greased pan. Then spread your preserves over the top (stay away from the edge so they don't stick to the pan) and top with the remaining oats. Bake for 10-12 minutes. Serve after about two minutse of cooling so you can eat them while they're me these suckers are to die for! And who knew they could be so healthy?? Packed with healthy carbs, protein and healthy sugars this is a great option to begin your day on the right path.

Healthy Bacon-Herb Frittata

6 eggs
fresh parsley
fresh cilantro
fresh rosemary
2 chopped bacon wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese (leftovers!)
1/4 cup colby jack cheese
2 slices of canadian bacon
1/4 yellow onion
4 mushrooms (any kind you prefer, I used button)
olive oil

This option is magnificently healthy and great for anyone trying to help benefit their cholesterol levels. Many people are afraid of making frittatas thinking they will taste too healthy (I can vouch for that one) or they are too difficult. But this is one of the easiest egg dishes known to man. First you wan to fetch your fresh herbs and give them a fine chop. Save a bit of the cilantro for a garnish and put the rest in a bowl. Slice up your onion and mushrooms, add them to a cast-iron skillet. After a few minutes add in your canadian bacon and bacon wrapped dates. Once carmelized, turn the heat to medium-low. Crack your eggs into the bowl with the herbs. Give a good whisk, add salt and pepper and pour egg mixture into the skillet. Do not scramble. Let the bottom cook over the stove for about 6 minutes. Once the bottom has settled then finish top with cheese and finish in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. The frittata will puff up, once the eggs are cooked you are ready to serve. Remember the skillet is very HOT!

These two dishes are perfect to pair together! A little sweet with the fresh, warm granola bars and a little savory with your hot, gooey egg frittata. Your family, friends and neighbors will all be begging for the recipe!

Strawberry-Banana Pancakes
1 cup flour
2 Tbsp sugar
1 1/4 tsp  baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup milk (you can use any kind, whole, skim or buttermilk)
2 Tbsps melted butter
1/2 cup sliced bananas (fresh)
1/2 cup sliced strawberries (fresh)

Mix the dry ingredients together in one bowl and the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl. Once both are well mixed, combine. You can either add fruit directly into batter or you can add add fruit once you pour mix into the skillet, I did the latter. Once you have a semi-thick batter use a 1/3 measuring cup to scoop the batter into your hot skillet. Pour in a bit of olive oil first, once your batter is poured drop a few slices of banans and strawberries right on top of the wet pancake. Once the pancake starts to bubble up and the sides are cooked you can flip. Continue til all of the batter is used.

Chive 'n Cheese Scrambled Eggs
6 eggs
1/2 cup colby jack cheese
1/4 cup freshly chopped chives
olive oil
2 Tbsp water

Chop up your chives and shred your cheese, add to a medium sized bowl. Crack your eggs directly into the bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Start to whisk your eggs together for scrambled eggs. Add in the water and continue to whisk. Grease your hot skillet with olive oil and pour into pan. Move the egg mixture around until it starts to solidify. Continue to "scramble" the eggs until they are fluffy and cooked but not overcooked (you don't want your eggs to brown). Serve with a bit of cheese and chives on top. Fabulous meal full of healthy proteins, calcium and carbohydrates.

All of these combinations of breakfasts are fantastic options to help start off your day right. Sweet and savory are a classic combination for breakfast and will leave any appetite satisfied. So whip out your apron and start a scramblin'!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good ole steak & potatoes

This year I decided to give something up every month...since food is one of the things I love the most, I chose certain food items. In January, I gave up carbs...bread, pasta, rice, etc... now that January is over I have to admit that I wasn't completely turning my head to those scrumptious, fluffy, hit-the-spot pieces of bread, but most of the time I stayed focused.

This month I am giving up I will only eat fish. Rightly so, in the last days of January I picked up some New York strip steaks to cook. Every now and then a homemade dish of classic steak and potataoes is all one needs to get through the day.

Smashed Fingerling Potatoes
1/2 package of fingerling potatoes
3 green onions
1/3 cup milk
2 Tbsp butter

First you want to, dice up your potatoes then boil them until a fork can slide through them. Then you drain the water out, add in the butter, salt, pepper, milk and green onion...before you start to smash them let them sit for a few minutes. This gives the butter time to melt. Then smash away, your potatoes should be left between chunky and creamy. We love to keep the skins on our potatoes (they are packed with nutrients!) and we like some chunks. If you prefer smooth mashed potatoes use a hand mixer to blend them together. Cover and keep warm until ready to serve.

Sauteed Kale
1 bunch of fresh kale
olive oil

You always need greens on your plate, right?! Kale is a great alternative to spinach or broccoli, they are super healthy and delicious. Wash your kale, cut off the stems and roughly chop them up. Heat up your skillet with olive oil, drop in the kale and cook for 10-15 minutes. Cover for the first five minutes to help circulate the heat and soften the kale. I don't want my kale to get mushy so I remove the cover to let them saute and get slightly crispy before serving. (You could always add mushrooms, onions, or other spices to jazz up this green!)

Classic New York Strip
2 steaks (or however many you need)
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper

This is the classic way of cooking up a steak. Steaks have a lot of flavor and you don't want to overcrowd that natural flavor with too many spices. I let my steaks rest in olive oil for about 10 minutes at room temperature, I get my pan nice and hot, sprinkle on the salt and pepper then place the steaks down on the grill pan.

My amazing, culinary friend, Amanda, taught me how to tell if your steak is done as you'd like. If you feel the palm of your hand regularly that is rare, if you move your thumb to your forefinger that is medium-rare, the middle finger is medium, ring finger that is medium-well and the pinky is well-done. So if you press on your steak as it cooks you should be able to gauge when it is done to your liking. We prefer our steaks to be medium to medium-rare which is about 4-5 minutes per side.

Once everything is done, plate up and eat up! Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sweet & Savory

One of my favorite combinations is sweet & savory...I love the way they compliment each other. Ice cream and caramel for example...delicious union! The recipe I am going to share is one that does the very same thing. Pork is one of those meats that greatly compliments sweet tones. I had some butternut squash in my fridge that I needed to use, which became the perfect partner for pork.

One of my favorite ways to cook pork is by using a crust with nuts, any nut combination will do. Two of my favorite are almonds and pistachios. They create a crunchy texture and salty finish which leaves this pork to die for!

Almond-Pistachio Crusted Pork
4 pork chops
1/4 cup crushed almonds
1/4 cup crushed pistachios
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
3/4 cup milk

First I take my pork out of the package, grab a fork and poke holes all in it to help tenderize the meat and allow flavors to reach inside the pork. Then I pour the milk over the chops in a bowl. I let that sit for 30 minutes while the milk helps tenderize the pork even further and makes a creamy coating. While the pork is taking a milk bath I get my butternut squash ready.

Roasted Butternut Squash Puree
1 medium sized butternut squash
1 tsp salt
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp sage
1/2 tsp pepper
1/4 chopped onion
1 Tbsp olive oil
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup chicken stock
1 Tbsp marscapone cheese

Cut the butternut squash in half lengthwise and sprinkle on all the spices/onion, drizzle with olive oil then pop in the oven for one hour at 350 degrees to get nice and tender.

Meanwhile you can get your brussel sprouts ready, warm a pan on medium heat, add olive oil and pour in your brussel sprouts. Sprinkle with a bit more olive oil, salt and pepper. Keep them on medium for about 10 minutes then reduce to low until ready to serve. Mix them around a bit to get crispy on the outside.

When your pork is ready to go, remove from the fridge. Put your chopped nuts in a bowl, add salt and pepper and mix together. Dunk your chop into the nut mixture from the milk mixture and onto a baking sheet. Make sure the pork chops are evenly coated with the nut mixture, to create a crispy crust. Pop that into the oven for 30 minutes at 375 degrees.

One the squash is roasted, remove from the oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Once cooled, peel off the skin and chop up into squares, add to a bowl. Add in the milk, chicken stock and marscapone cheese, stir together. Then use your emulsion blender to smoothly blend all the ingredients together. (If you don't have an emulsion blender, use a regular blender or food processor instead.) Once blended make sure to taste to see if you need any more salt or pepper. The mixture should be thicker than soup, more like a puree.

Then check on your pork by cutting into the meat, if it is dark pink you want to cook it a little bit longer. Once it is done, take it out to rest. Then turn the heat off on your brussel sprouts. Spoon the puree onto your plate then place the brussel sprouts on the outside and place the pork on top of the puree. Then dig in!

Enjoy! xoxo Lo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wingin' It Football Style

When the NFL playoffs start my husband craves wings...there is something about football and wings that just go together like biscuits and gravy. Well instead of purchasing the overpriced, extremely fattening and greasy wings...I chose to make them myself. How hard could it be? Turns out, it wasn't hard at all.

First you want to come up with an easy appetizer that you can entertain with before you serve up the delicious wings. Then choose which kind of wings you want to make. I decided I definitely wanted to do buffalo wings but wanted another option as well, I settled on sesame-soy sauce wings.

When you go to the grocery store you can either purchase regular wings or you can choose drumettes, which I did. I chose two packs of 30 drumettes for each flavor. Then the next most important part is your marinade and giving your wings enough time to marinate.

My easy appetizer was homemade raspberry jam and brie.

I served this on a beautiful cutting board, sliced some pieces of brie and placed a small dollop of jam on top with thin crackers...yum!

Sesame-Soy Sauce Wings
1 cup low sodium soy sauce
1 bunch of fresh cilantro
1 Tbsp of freshly crushed ginger
2 cloves of minced garlic
1/2 fresh lemon (juiced)
1/2 cup agave nectar
2 Tbsp olive oil
sesame seeds for garnish

Place wings in a deep bowl and pour over soy sauce, ginger, garlic, lemon and cilantro. Use your hands to coat the marinade all over the wings. Cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate and let marinate for two hours. After the first hour re-mix to make sure the marinade is coating each wing evenly.

While those wings are marinading start the other set of wings:

Buffalo Wings
2 cups hot sauce
2 Tbsp worchestire sauce
cayenne pepper
1 Tbsp olive oil

With the next batch of wings, place them in another deep bowl and pour over one cup of the hot sauce, worchestire and salt. Use your hands to make sure they have coated the wings, then cover with plastic wrap and let marinate in the fridge for two hours. Same as the first batch, after one hour re-coat the wings. Once the buffalo wings are done, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes on 350 degrees.

Bleu Cheese Sauce
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayo
1 Tsp white wine vinegar
1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
1/2 minced shallot
1 clove of minced garlic
1/4 lb bleu cheese
celery sticks

While your wings are marinating, make your bleu cheese dip. Mix all the ingredients together and let merry in the fridge until ready to serve. Super easy! If you think the sauce is too thick, add more sour cream/mayo to thin it out.

Once the sesame wings are done marinading, place them on a greased baking sheet  and pour agave nectar on top to create a sticky sauce while they bake. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

When the buffalo wings are done, pour the remaining hot sauce on top and coat evenly. When the sesame wings are done baking sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Once all wings are cooled place on two platters for serving.

Simple Salad
dried cranberries
roughly chopped walnuts
goat cheese

For a simple salad with your hearty wings, mix all these ingredients together. Make sure to wash your arugula and get rid of the root. Add as much of the nuts, cheese and cranberries as you like. Serve with a simple lemony-olive oil dressing and voila a meal that will please any football watchin' man as well as his better half.

Enjoy! xoxo Lo