Monday, July 18, 2011

Piled High Southwestern Burger

Who doesn't love burgers? There is a wide spectrum of burgers, my husband and I went to In n Out Burgers yesterday and they are simple and delicious. I like to find ways to spice it up a bit and create burgers that are outside of the box. On this summer day, my husband and I were working with the last bit of groceries we had. I had ground beef, veggies, eggs, black beans and cornmeal. I decided to whip up piled high southwestern burgers on black beans, green chile cornbread, sauteed onions, a fried egg, cherry tomatoes and fresh cilantro.

The first thing I did was form my beef patties, I added some salt, pepper and garlic then I set those aside and allowed the flavors to merry. I then started to make my green chile corn bread, I used one cup of organic stone ground corn meal, half a can of corn, a small can of green chiles, salt, pepper, one egg, 1/2 cup cheddar cheese and 1/4 cup of milk; mix this altogether and pour into a pan to bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes.

While the cornbread was baking, I poured a can of black beans into my sauce pan and cooked them on medium heat. Next, I chopped my onions into thin slices, sliced the cherry tomatoes in half and roughly chopped the fresh cilantro. I put the sliced onion into a saute pan with olive oil on medium heat, along with putting the burgers onto my grill pan with olive oil. My dad always taught me growing up that sauteed onions are the base to any delicious homemade recipe. I use olive oil because it is healthier than butter or other oils, plus I personally love the taste. After a few minutes I flip the burgers, check on the cornbread, stir the onions, stir the black beans and it's time for the eggs. I love eggs, I try to use them in every meal I make...especially fried eggs, I firmly believe fried eggs are Heaven topped on any meal :)

Once the cornbread was done, I removed it from the oven to cool. Then I cracked the eggs into a saute pan with (you guessed it!) olive oil. The key to a fantastic fried egg is generous portion of olive oil (2 Tbs), salt and pepper, then once it starts bubbling up flip over, when the egg is flipped over turn off the heat and let it finish for a few minutes. Then I began to pile my southwestern burgers, first I plated the black beans, next came the corn bread, the burger, sauteed onions, fried egg and last but not least fresh slices of tomato and cilantro.

Once you dig in, the yolk spreads it's luscious, velvety flavor all over the burger and that first bite is darn good! Enjoy! I'd love to hear your comments.

xo Lo


  1. I agree with you about eggs! I think they are a delicious treat to any meat, bread, salad, or anything else you can up with! I personally think this a delicious dish!! I will definitely be cooking this up for burger night!! :)

  2. Thank you dear! I can't wait to continue to find ways to utilize eggs in other dishes :)
