Wednesday, August 3, 2011

La Ti Da Leftovers!

After making some divine chicken enchiladas, I had leftover red sauce. I decided to marinate this sauce over some chicken cutlets for a few hours. I also had okra, corn, onion and red pepper- with that I decided to make a cajun gumbo succotash. Lastly, my husband and I recently purchased a mandolin, we wanted to use that with a sweet potato.

Leftover Enchilada Marinated Chicken

1/2 cup of leftover enchilada sauce (marinara sauce or tomato compote)
2 chicken cutlets

After letting 1/4 cup of the enchilada sauce marinate over the chicken for a few hours, I placed the cutlets on the grill pan, which was on medium heat. I poured the other 1/4 cup of the sauce over the chicken to keep the chicken moist. Grill for about 25 minutes.

Cajun Gumbo Succotash

1/2 cup okra
1/4 cup chopped red pepper
1/2 cup corn
1/4 cup chopped onion

Combine all veggies into a saute pan on medium heat with olive oil. Sprinkle on salt and pepper. Saute for about 20 minutes then turn heat down to keep warm.

Salt and Pepper Sweet Potato Chips

1 sweet potato
olive oil

Rinse the sweet potato under cold water, trim off the ends. I kept on the skins because they are loaded with nutrients and add to the color. I used a mandolin and put my setting on thin chip slices. You can also cut your own slices with a serrated knife (be careful!) After slicing up my sweet potato, I coated them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Then I spread them on a baking sheet and baked them at 400 degrees for 30 minutes.

All of these recipes are sure to impress any last minute company, kids and spouses! Leftovers can be a lovely gift in the kitchen, this meal shows how to take this to another level.

Enjoy! xo Lo

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