Friday, August 12, 2011

Whippin' up a snack!

While I was running around my home washing dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming the carpets my stomach started grumbling. I looked at the clock, and completely forgot to feed myself breakfast, during my cleaning frenzy.  So I took a break, peeked inside my fridge, to see what goodies I had, to whip up into something spectacular. I had recently made a loaf of homemade white bread, I had leftover cream cheese, fresh cucumbers and soft-boiled eggs.

Instantaneously, I knew I wanted to pile them all up together, into a delightful mid-morning snack. First I toasted my fresh bread on a grill pan until it was crispy and golden. Next, slice your cucmbers and egg. Lather on your luscious cream cheese, top with cucumbers and the slices of soft-boiled egg. Sprinkle with a touch of salt and pepper and voila! Dig can thank me later :)

xo Lo

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