Monday, August 1, 2011

Quick & Healthy Summer Meal

Summers as much as we'd like them to be relaxing, oftentimes are not. Moms are running around shuffling kids from summer camp to sleepovers. My husband starts two-a-day football practices in August and I have to keep him eating healthy and quick because he is always trying to get work done.

On this night in particular, I had some pre-seasoned BBQ chicken, frozen corn, cucumbers and extra Mexican Crema. I decided to put the chicken in the oven and while that was baking, I decided to make a fresh cucumber salad.

Dill-Cucumber Salad

1 large English cucumber
1/4 cup Mexican Crema (sour cream, plain yogurt or Creme Fraiche)
1 tsp dill
pinch salt
pinch pepper

First thing you need to do is slice the cucumber and place the slices in a colander covered in salt. This will help release the moisture inside the cucumbers so your salad isn't runny. Let the cucumber slices sit for 15 minutes. In the meantime, combine your crema and spices- place that into the fridge to chill. Once cucumbers are drained and rinsed, pat them dry with a paper towel. Add slices to the crema, smother and let chill in fridge.

Onion-Garlicky Corn

1 cup corn
1 clove garlic
1/4 yellow onion

Chop up onion and garlic, place into a saute pan with olive oil. Once onions are golden, add corn, turn heat down and cover. A few minutes later add salt and pepper, cover until ready to serve.

Once the chicken is ready, plate the corn top with chicken and put the cucumber salad into a separate dish to keep the crema from getting on the other dish items.

This dish is a perfect summer dish, pair with some pinot grigio, moscato d'asti or Shiner Bock's Ruby Red summer beer!

Enjoy! xo Lo

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